- posting Ads on Loja is totally free so post as many Ads as you want to increase your chances of making sales. 

-The more Ads you post the more your chances of making sales.   It is possible that what the customer wants to buy is that item you did not post.

-Post each item separately, for example, if you own a boutique and you want to post your goods for sale, don’t post trousers 👖 together with shirts and shoes post each item separately, even if they are the same price. 

- Always use attractive and clear image as the Main image because, it is the main image that will draw attention to your post.

- Use attractive caption to draw the attention of your customers.  Thousands of people visit everyday to search for what they want.  Make your caption to match what you sell so that when the buyers search for anything related to what you posted, your Ad will appear.

- Write your best price, customers believe that the price you write on your post is the last price you will sell your goods, sometimes they don’t negotiate, they will just move to the seller with the cheaper price.

- write clear and simple description of your goods, the description box is your chance to convince your customers on why they should buy your product.  You need to pay serious attention to the description box and present your product very well.

Post as many Ads as possible on your profile. people don’t like to buy from empty shop. When they open your profile and see other things that you posted, they will know that you are a serious business person and they will buy from you.

- Before you submit your post, take another look at your post and ask yourself these questions…
a) can my post convince a buyer to buy from me?
b) is the pictures attractive enough?
c) is my profile verified ?  if the answer is no… will you buy from an unverified account when others are verified ?
The buyers are people like you, so if you are convinced that everything is ok, then it is ok

-You can also promote your Ads to stay ahead of other vendors and to make your Ads more visible to potential clients 

Contact the customer service anytime you need help.