Is your bioelectricity, well balanced?
If you present the following symptoms, you may need to balance it.
1,Increased or decreased blood pressure, uncontrollable, often hiccups, random body Aches, through out the body.
2) Frequent headaches: having a hard time to focus.
3)Agitation, Insomnia, dreamness, constant anger, tinnitus
5) having a hard and long time recovering over a wound, Multifunctional head-care, apparatus, is an integrated, treating, equipment which can balance blood pressure and delivers Laser Health care and vibrating massage, through, intelligent, mono-chip Management system, by touching becklet installed, on the machine, Multifunctional head-care, apparatus, can be Linked to human body to form closed a circuit of electro magnetic field, therefore adjusting bioelectricity and balancing the blood pressure.
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