Normal 10 inches #7,000
RGB 10 inches #8,500
Normal 12 inches #9,000
RGB 12 inches #11,000
Normal 14 inches #14,500
RGB 14 inches #16,500
Normal 18 inches #20,000
RGB 18 inches #22,000
RL 21 inches #29,000
Performace & Specification
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Optional Details:Ring Light is suitable for outdoor photo light, filling light indoors, portrait, fashion, wedding, art, advertisement, photography video shoot and lots more. Ring lights makes it absolutely easy to get a sensational and glitzy appearance in your photo and video shoots. This ring light is most suitably used in a close up position to the subject with the camera mounted in the center of the ring. The glamorous soft light glow is designed to surround the subject. This ring light can point to the subject from all angles. It also has a unique effect as a catch light. In fact, the circular "halo" illumination will be reflected in your subject's eyes. . ring light for makeup artist, for fashion , photographer, bloggers etc. The brightness of the light is close to that of a Floyd light. The ring light is the perfect solution to blurry and dim images
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