All kind of solar system available, solar panels, Lithium batteries, tubular batteries, street lights, solar kits, solar pump, inverters, all kind of installation, sachet inverter, 1kva Installation, 2.5kva installation. 3.5kva installation, 5kva installation, 10kva installation 7.5kva installation etc all at affordable prices
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Optional Details:1.5kva installation cost 1.4m and can power your TV, fan, lights, sound systems, charging points, freezer. 1kva installation cost 700k and can carry your TV, fan, lights, sound systems, charging points and other inverter appliance and u will be enjoying 24hrs lights and 2.5kva installation can power Pumping machine and other things and 5kva can power AC and other things, enjoy steady electricity with solar energy and stop wasting money on fuel and excessive Nepa bill
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