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My aims in this book. I To create awareness on the spiritual dimension of masturbation addictions. II To open the understanding of people regarding the reality of demons and their operations. III To give insight on the value of sexual purity. IV To unveil the spirit behind masturbation. V To see those addicted to masturbation set free and live normal life again. VI To supply information on how to conduct self- deliverance. VII To supply information on excessive masturbation side effects. VIII To supply information on herbs that will reverse the side effects and how to make use of it. IX To make you recover what the enemies have stolen spiritually. X To carry everybody along, including the teenager so the words are simple to understand and direct to points. XI To make people understand they are not alone. In their struggles against masturbation addiction. “ A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done” Ralph Nader.

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Optional Details:Side effects of excessive masturbation. The side effects is not formally recognized or medical diagnosable I mean medical doctors are not train in this, most don’t even believe excessive masturbation have any effects but believe in sexual exhaustion. Side effects will vary from person to person due to levels of intensity. Symptoms: • Fatigue.( body pain) • Sleep disorders (insomnia or hypersomnia). • Low back pain due to loss of calcium as a result of excess seminal fluid loss. • Decrease in sperm count. • Urine infections. • Loss of sexual sensitivity. • Physical and mental tiredness because it involves much energy from the body. • Fast aging. Due to excess loss of vital fluid, the human body starts aging very fast. • It leads to hormonal change or in balance in the body. • Internal heat in the body. • It causes premature ejaculation . • Addiction to pornography. • Unsatisfying lust . • It causes penis to shrink, I mean not growing to full size . • It causes erections problems. ( erectile dysfunction) • Unstable mind and unfocused mind due to sexual thoughts or fantasy.

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