Security Tips

1. Do not pay in advance even for delivery
2. Try to meet in a safe and public place to meet
3. Check the item BEFORE buying it
4. Pay only after collecting the item.

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HOW IT ALL BEGAN – REVEALED! As we age, healthcare costs can skyrocket, draining our finances just when we're earning less and are less active. If this resonates with you, isn't it wise to prepare for these inevitable days? Most of us hope to enjoy the rewards of our hard work in later years, without becoming a burden to our loved ones. Unfortunately, some health issues, like poor eyesight or chronic pain, may already be with us, only worsening over time. THE SOLUTION 1. Register with a healthcare insurance company. 2. Subscribe to a health and wellness organization. Let’s focus on the second option—subscribing to a health and wellness company. This one-time fee and affordable monthly subscription allow you to save on supplements, ensuring better health while keeping costs low. With your subscription, you can also purchase products at discounted rates and sell them at retail prices, creating a new income stream. Plus, you can enjoy weekly, monthly, and yearly compensation plans that can significantly boost your finances. Imagine staying healthy while also earning money—life could indeed be a bed of roses. Attached is my receipt for the subscription I took, and it has been an incredible journey, which is why I encourage you to join now. Visit a general hospital today, and you'll be shocked by the staggering medical bills people face, often with tragic outcomes. Let that not be your fate—prayers alone aren’t enough without action. LiveGood Subscription: An Affordable Opportunity Despite the high cost of healthcare, LiveGood’s subscription is remarkably affordable. Initially proposed at $625, the fee was drastically reduced after much deliberation, with the CEO finally settling on a one-time fee of just $40, plus a $9.95 monthly subscription. This gesture aligns with LiveGood’s mission: to help people get healthy and stay healthy without spending a fortune. For just $49.95, LiveGood will also create a free landing page and personal profile for you, allowing you to operate as an affiliate and have products delivered directly to your doorstep. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your health and finances at the same time! For enquiries and registration click on the links below??? 1. Take a tour of LiveGood by clicking this link: 2. Knowing our products? Click the link below, tap on the 3 hamburger lines, click on products: 3. Team Lead Whatsapp contact: 4. Join our LiveGood Facebook Group: 5. Join LiveGood Billionaire's Team WhatsApp Group:

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Optional Details:IS RECRUITING PEOPLE TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS REALLY A CRIME? The lifeblood of any successful business is people—customers who buy the products or services a company offers. Yet, when people hear the word "referral," they often panic, thinking it's something negative or even illegal. But let’s set the record straight: the real issue is when you’re referring people to a company that has nothing tangible to offer—no products, no services. Every thriving business needs a steady flow of customers, clients, or partners. That’s why recruiting people, or even recruiting people to recruit others, is a proven strategy for ensuring your business not only survives but thrives. Here’s the truth: the money you seek is in the pockets and bank accounts of people around you. To access it, you need to offer them something of value. It’s that simple. Either you sell a product they want, or you provide a service they need, and in return, they’ll gladly pay you. Take a moment to think about it. When you pay for an airline ticket, you’re paying for a service—safe travel from one place to another. When you buy a product like cement, semolina, or clothing, you’re exchanging money for something tangible. There are only two legitimate ways to make money: selling products or offering services. Everything else is just noise. So, when you recruit people to join your business, or when they recruit others, you’re creating a sustainable pathway to success. This is not a crime; it’s smart business. If you agree with this, I invite you to join Livegood with just $49.95. From there, recruit two people to do the same, and guide them to replicate this process. By taking this simple step, you’ll unlock incredible benefits from Livegood’s compensation plan, including commissions and profit-sharing. You’re not just gaining customers; you’re creating a network of lifelong subscribers! Bonus If you join Livegood through our Livegood Billionaire's Team, I’ll personally reach out to you and share a secret that can transform your financial situation in just 24 hours. It’s a proven formula passed down by my mentor, Mukthar Abdulrasaq, and it works time and time again. All you need is your smartphone and an internet connection. Remember, as the Yoruba saying goes, “Owo laafi peena owo”—“You spend money to make money.” Final Thought “Recruiting people, or recruiting people to recruit others, is a SURE way to secure the survival and seamless success of your business.” — Abideen Ademola Murana Thank you for your time and anticipated positive action. 🙏 E-signed, Abideen Ademola Murana.

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